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We design & develop hospitality brands and take them to market. We are Graphic Kitchen.

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Need more bums on seats 🍑

There is no doubt that restaurant marketing has changed over the last decade. Instead of walking around the picking out a place to eat, potential customers are now looking for their next dining experience on Google Maps and review sites. This means that your physical presence and appearance are now just as important as your food.

About Us

Graphic Kitchen is perfectly placed to help you with your physical and online image.

Whether its your restaurant interior design, website development, menu design and even food photography, we have the skills and creativity to help you stand out with our comprehensive and innovative restaurant marketing solutions.

Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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Brand Strategy & Competitor Workshop

It's not just about standing out, but creating an irresistible appeal that captivates your audience and dominates the marketplace. See how we create a brand strategy that is not just desirable, but specific, clear, and unmistakably unique from competitors.

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Brand Design

Looking to spruce up your brand? We're the perfect choice to refresh your look, to reflect where your business is at right now. If you're starting from scratch, our experts are also bursting with ideas for new brand. We take the time to discover what makes your business tick, so we can communicate your strengths and uniqueness in dynamic branding.

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Packaging Design

Effective packaging design is crucial for branding your products in retail. Memorable designs attract more audiences and help differentiate your products from competitors.

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Menu Design & Architecture

A restaurant's menu design is crucial internal advertising, offering guests a preview of their dining experience. It's the first advertisement every guest reads, making an appealing, clean menu essential for communicating your brand. Beyond setting the ambiance, the menu narrates your food's story and reflects your vision and mission. The design and content should harmonise to captivate customers.

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Brand & Lifestyle Photoshoot

Would you do business with someone who turned up at a meeting in a ragged suit? Would you buy a new book with a torn or stained cover? For most people, the answer to these questions is no – yet when it comes to selling their products, a surprising number of companies try to get by with amateurish photography.

Appearances matter just as much in that context, and poor quality images can be costly in terms of sales. If you’re going to use photographs at all, it’s important to get them right.

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Brand & Social Film

Video content has been proven to demand more consumer attention than any other medium. And while we’re in the midst of what some might call a content-overload for consumers, capturing attention is key. We will create micro films which will enable us to run effective and engaging content to use on websites and social networks.

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Website Design & Development

From showcasing your products and services to reflecting your unique brand identity, our expertise guides you in selecting the ideal platform for your brand, followed by crafting the website of your dreams.

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PR Brand & Reputation Building

Ever wondered how businesses and organisations build and maintain their good reputation? That's where Public Relations (PR) comes in. PR helps manage relationships with customers, investors, employees, and the public to create a positive image and boost credibility. It's like the friendly face of your brand in the eyes of the world!

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Social Media Marketing & Outreach

Social media is an essential in today’s business marketing mix. Whether you’re selling to another business (B2B) or direct to the consumer (B2C), being absent from the social platforms where your audience hangs out, doesn’t do you any favours. You need people to Rave about you; that means you want to: Influence your Reputation, Get known as an Authority in your industry, Stay Visible online and Show off your Expertise.

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TripAdvisor Workshop

Positive reviews can enhance customer loyalty, draw in new patrons, and increase restaurant revenue by attracting more diners. As positive reviews accumulate, restaurants tend to generate higher revenue, as they instill confidence in customers that their dining experience will be enjoyable.

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Monthly Marketing

Effective marketing strategies play a pivotal role in establishing a strong presence in the market and connecting with the target audience.

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Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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